If you’ve tried dabbling in online businesses, then you are definitely not a stranger to WordPress. You probably know that it is the most sought-after open-source CMS that empowers over 34 percent of all websites on the internet.

No matter how user-friendly WordPress is, but you need a certain degree of technical knowledge to promptly manage it. In case you don’t have it, then don’t let your shortcomings be a roadblock. Instead, try finding viable solutions and in this case, all you need is a reliable managed WordPress hosting.

What is Bluehost WordPress Hosting?

Just imagine — what if you didn’t have to go through the harrowing experience of setting up a WordPress blog through the cPanel? What if a bunch of dedicated professionals did all the back-ups and updates for you? Well, if that sounds too good to be true then it’s just the beginning.

Bluehost WordPress hosting offers much more and the only thing you need to worry about writing and managing the content on your website. In fact, even setting up an online store becomes so convenient that you’d really want to try your hand at it.

Moreover, under the WordPress Hosting plans, your technical needs such as backups, plugin, theme updates, and security are taken care of by Bluehost WordPress experts. However, the biggest advantage that non-techies can look forward to is the 24×7 Expert support from Bluehost, so you can get in touch with a real WordPress expert and have all your doubts cleared, in no time.

Benefits of Bluehost WordPress Hosting

  • Instant WordPress installation
  • Regular Updates and Backups
  • 24×7 Support from a WordPress Expert Scalability
  • Easy to set up an online store
  • Secure payment gateways
  • Enhanced Security
  • Free Domain

Drawbacks of Bluehost WordPress Hosting

  • Restricted to WordPress only
  • Can be expensive for some

Who needs Bluehost WordPress Hosting?

Small website owner – If you run a small website and do not have enough resources to handle all your WordPress-related needs, then a dedicated WordPress hosting should make the entire process easier for you. Plus, with so much of automation and support, you can easily manage your websites without spending too much on its maintenance on upgrade.

Non-Techies – If you aren’t comfortable typing in HTML, PHP or any other codes, then Bluehost’s WordPress hosting is the perfect option for you. Since you don’t even have to install or update WordPress, you are going to save up a lot of time and money hiring developers and fixing tech issues every now and then.

If you want to manage your own site – If unreliable developers and designers have gotten the better of you, then here’s some relief. If you don’t want developers and programmers messing around with your website anymore, try migrating your business to WordPress and manage the site on your own. With Bluehost by your side, you are not alone — in fact, you can count on Bluehost’s seasoned professionals for some exceptional 24×7 WordPress-related support.

If it’s your first website – If you are about to launch your first website and do not have the required expertise, then simply cling on to Bluehost’s managed WordPress hosting. The company provides its customers with enough automation and support, to get things rolling.

Website Owners with multiple websites – If you are managing a handful of websites, then you know the mess that designers and developers can create. Moreover, they are anything but cheap so it is more than likely that you are looking for ways to cut down your expenses and get things moving.

If that’s the case, then all you need is reliable dedicated WordPress hosting. After the initial set-up, you can use it to give access to your Writers and have them post content directly into your website’s dashboard. Since WordPress lets you restrict the access of an Author, things move smoothly. With Bluehost’s ongoing tech support, all of this can be done quite conveniently, even without any technical knowledge.

Bluehost’s WordPress Hosting Plans

Currently, Bluehost offers the most economic WordPress hosting solutions. The company also offers useful freebies, along with its services at jaw-dropping prices. Let’s now take a sneak peek into the various freebies offered.

All of Bluehost’s WordPress hosting plans offer

  • A free domain for the first year
  • Free SSL certificates to secure your website.
  • hassle-free automatic WordPress installation
  • Automatic updates of Plugins, Themes, and Other Connected Software
  • Seamless third-party integrations
  • Better security.

Let us now look into each of the three WordPress hosting plans offered by Bluehost.

Basic And Plus Plan – If you plan to host a single website on your WordPress hosting, then try Bluehost’s Basic WordPress hosting plan that starts at $3.95 per month. However, we don’t recommend the Basic Plan for the sole reason that you can get a lot more with the Plus plan. For instance, you can host multiple websites with the Plus Plan, get unmetered bandwidth, unlimited subdomains, and unlimited parked domains — all of this for $5.95 per month, so we recommend this one.

Choice Plus Plan – The third plan by Bluehost is the Choice Plus plan, which is tactfully priced at $5.95 per month. The Plus and Choice Plus plans carry the same price tag, and it is normal for anyone to pick the most advanced option. Now that’s exactly what the seller wants you to do because the renewal rates for the Plus and Choice Plus plans differ. So, when it’s time for renewal, you’d know why we recommend the Plus plan and not the Choice Plus. Moreover, there isn’t much of a difference in what the two plans offer.

Bluehost Shared WordPress Hosting

As you can see, the only difference between the Plus and the Choice Plus plans is the ‘CodeGuard Basic Backup’ feature, which is available with the latter. Now, honestly, paying a higher renewal fee for just that one feature isn’t a very good bargain.

Pricing – BlueHost WordPress Hosting plan vs. Other WordPress Hosting

Most websites that run on WordPress are either small or mid-sized businesses, which prefer not to strain their finances to hire a developer. So if you own this sort of an online business, then here’s the good news. You can avail 24×7 WordPress support and several other automated services from Bluehost at reasonable prices.

In fact, you get so much value for your money, that it surprises us how this company manages to deliver all of it. However, Bluehost isn’t the only one to provide WordPress hosting, and there are several others. Some of the leading names are HostGator, GoDaddy, and InMotion Hosting. When compared, it is clear that Bluehost provides the maximum value for the price you pay. Well, it’s time to take a quick look into what some of the other WordPress Hosting companies have in store for you.

Hostgator WordPress Hosting Pricing Plans

As you can see, HostGator’s WordPress Hosting Plans start from $5.95 per month, which is the same as Bluehost’s most advanced plan. In fact, Bluehost’s most basic plan starts at $3.95 per month and is ideal for those with just one website. Plus, you also miss out on the freebies that Bluehost has in store for you.

Godaddy WordPress Hosting Pricing Plans

GoDaddy offers 4 WordPress Hosting Plans, but none of them is a match to what Bluehost offers. Even the most basic plan by GoDaddy is priced at $6.99 per month, which is much higher than the most advanced plan offered by Bluehost — the Choice Plus plan.

Inmotion WordPress Hosting Pricing Plans

InMotion WordPress hosting is considered to be one of the best, but that definitely isn’t the lightest on the pocket. So for websites that are just starting off, paying $7.65 per month may not be feasible.

Bluehost is one of the most trusted dedicated WordPress hosting service providers and has been recommended by WordPress.org since 2005. In fact, there isn’t much to complain about its speed either. Also, a quick glance into what other companies offer clearly proves that Bluehost offers a lot more, as compared to the rest. So, if you are a small business or own a self-managed website, then this investment could help you save a ton of money, and also ensure free long-term WordPress support.